Financing trends in adult stem cell research to pave the way for effective therapies

Research indicates that trends in funding for research on embryonic stem cells focal cells not embryonic cells , which are regarded as morally and ethically unacceptable move .
The embryonic type derived from embryos, and those used for research usually develop in vitro (outside the body in a laboratory) . Non-embryonic stem cells, also known as adult or somatic stem cells, are found in various tissues and organs of our body. Its main function is to maintain and repair any organ or tissue extract are in the body of a patient, and then reintroduced - or transplanted - body after several treatments , such as chemotherapy ( which aims to destroy a poor immune system ) that allow the patient to recover with minimal risk of rejection.

Trends in research funding
The Charlotte Lozier Institute in Washington recently released a report showing current financing trends in the state of Maryland, in reference to the funding of the Institute for Regenerative Medicine California (CIRM ) . The final conclusion is that there was " a decisive change in strategy ," which reflects the views of the community of stem cell research community the best opportunity for therapies and treatments of diseases with non-embryonic stem cells are " morally without problem " instead of the embryonic stem cells morally questionable .

Stem cell research is not new, but for decades, have been obtained "by the unique destruction , living human beings," said Chuck Donovan , president of the Charlotte Lozier Institute . Belief was before they had the potential ability to treat many ailments and diseases, some of which are fatal. Initially, Donovan said , this type of financing in full swing, but unfortunately " no effective therapies " flourish.

Base - tag embryo research "morally wrong," Donovan is recommended that the Institute's research shows that there is a growing desire on the part of funding agencies (in this particular case, the CIRM and stem cells Commission Maryland ) for fund what he calls ethical stem cell projects across the country . This reflects the belief of the scientific community as morally problematic alternatives are the key to rapid progress and more likely to encourage medical science.

The MSCRF , established in 2006 , has distributed millions of dollars for this type of research. An analysis of the amount was paid to the base of embryo research , and how non- embryonic research shows a downward trend for the first, and the upward trend in the second.
While the number of scholarships Maryland commission is relatively small - especially compared with the CIRM - the trend is nonetheless significant . A total of 11 projects were funded embryonic - in 2007 and 2009 , peaking in 2008 at age 16 . In addition, three grants were awarded for studies using adult and embryonic stem ( hESCR ) both cells. Grants totaling $ 7,610,000 . Last year, only one project was funded embryonic based .

By contrast, in 2007, four projects were funded non-embryonic , while 28 were they funded last year. Of these, 17 were used for adults and 11 have used induced pluripotent stem cells ( iPSC ) . Larger numbers were funded in 2009 and 2010 , with 32 projects not funded embryonic every year.
Statistics CIRM , is discussed in more detail in a report earlier Charlotte Lozier Institute , follow a similar pattern . This is remarkable since the CIRM is described as the most important source of funding for such research outside the NIH.

Funding patterns clearly show that , despite what researchers predicted early confidence in the research hESCR not happen. Instead, he is an adult and research IPSC increases considerably while hESCR was significantly reduced . Furthermore, the use of SCNT for the purpose of cloning embryos of specific cells in the patient, " now seems strange ," says the report.

Finally, the report emphasizes that "money talks too much. "
And that money is saying is that these are viable alternatives and is with them that the real therapeutic promise of regenerative medicine. "
Marshank Steve worked as an entrepreneur in the health care industry with emphasis on stem cell booming for more than six years ago. A member groups studying the issue , including progress in stem cell discoveries Company and regenerative medicine and cell therapy industry group Foundation , has developed a wide network of relationships with businesses, health professionals , scientists and business leaders in the industry.

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