Are you at risk of gestational diabetes?

Gestational diabetes (GD ) is a condition characterized by glucose intolerance with different degrees of severity as the first time during pregnancy , and may or may not be resolved after that. Their presence may be suspected if the pregnant woman has or has had some of the factors that are considered at risk of developing the disease during pregnancy.
Pregnant women were classified into three groups at risk for gestational diabetes :
• Low risk : pregnant women with low- risk ethnic group (mainly white ) , normal, or less than 25 years old weight, no history of diabetes in first-degree relatives (father, mother and siblings ), normal weight (index body mass of less than 25 kg/m2) before pregnancy , no history of poor pregnancy outcomes, such as abortion or the loss of a baby before birth. Must meet to be considered low risk All of these conditions .
• Moderate risk : pregnant women who do not meet the criteria of low or high risk .
• High risk: pregnant women with high-risk ethnic group (eg , African Americans , Hispanics / Latinos, and Native Americans) , severe obesity, history of diabetes in first-degree relatives , gestational diabetes or glucose intolerance during previous pregnancy , history of large baby at birth ( a baby of less than 4 kg ) or glucose in the urine at this time. Other conditions were also identified as risk factors for developing GDM , including systemic hypertension , history of the death of the baby in the uterus and increase the amount of amniotic fluid in the past or present.
For many years , we have used risk factors to determine which women should be screened for gestational diabetes. Before 2011 , was conducted screening pregnant women at high during the first prenatal visit between 24 and 28 weeks gestation in women at low risk or moderate risk ; and even among high-risk women who had a normal result on the first visit . However, the risk classification is not currently used for the detection of gestational diabetes during pregnancy. The experts concluded that , due to the epidemics of obesity and diabetes mellitus in the world is preferable to perform a test for fasting glucose and glucose OGTT to all women women in their first prenatal visit, regardless of the risk . 

This is not to say that no matter if you have a high risk or not; if it belongs to the high-risk population , of course , you have an increased risk of gestational diabetes and the need to follow a proper diet and exercise during pregnancy to reduce the risk to a minimum.

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