Diabetes , obesity and sleep

Finding it difficult to get a break from a good night's sleep may be due to a number of reasons . Two of the most common causes include obstructive sleep apnea and overweight.
Weight control and you are a long way on the road to control your diabetes you. You also have the promise of a good night , once you reach your recommended weight.
Some studies show that people who sleep less tend to be heavier than those who sleep well .
Being overweight means that your body has more fat cells than it would take into account your body . According to the researchers , excess body fat is based on 64 % of cases of diabetes in men and 77 % of cases in women .
Complications related to sleep most recognized being overweight or obese breathing that leads to snoring and sleep apnea is altered.
Excess fat due to excess weight can be present throughout the airways. Overcrowding , combined with the added weight pressing from the outside , may collapse and cause respiratory problems.
When it is soft , which results in snoring .
Snoring is simply the turbulent airflow . In the upper respiratory tract, the air flow is interrupted and the result is loud snoring .
Snoring is more likely if you have any barrier pre - existing as the tonsils or adenoids , a deviated septum in the nose , a small jaw or tongue which is larger than normal.
As the airway becomes fuller and more prone to collapse , the air flow may stop completely but temporarily . This results in pauses in breathing is called apnea.
Obstructive sleep apnea ( OSA ) is a common sleep disorder that is characterized by loud snoring and pauses in breathing during sleep.
OSA is more common in people 35 to 54 and affects about one tenth of middle-aged men . It is particularly common in people who are overweight, and can have an impact on your ability to breathe properly at night.
There is a relationship between diabetes and sleep apnea . This link is overweight , which , as mentioned above , can cause fat deposits around the upper airway and obstruct the airway. Therefore, obesity or being overweight is a risk factor for sleep apnea and diabetes.
Sleep apnea is wreaking havoc on sleep patterns causing many problems . Includes having daytime sleepiness and impaired concentration, memory and mood.
They are also more severe. Sleep apnea may increase the risk of heart failure , diabetes , hypertension , stroke and sudden death. It can affect the growth and development of children.
Sleep apnea is considered dangerous because it affects the concentration of oxygen in the blood . In more severe cases , difficulty breathing at night can cause carbon dioxide is well preserved in the next day.
Normally when we breathe , we take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. Becomes so compromised in some people with obesity during sleep that the excess carbon dioxide is retained in the bloodstream, even after getting up in the morning and continues throughout the day. This increases the risk of major cardiovascular complications and death.
Sleep apnea can be an early warning sign of developing diabetes . In fact, numerous studies have linked sleep apnea with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Experts believe that the side effects directly related to sleep apnea may influence the metabolism of people while they sleep. diabetes
The correlation between sleep and diabetes is well documented , with interruptions of sleep, a key part of the risk of diabetes. Obesity causes both diabetes and sleep apnea more likely .
Sleep apnea can prevent getting a good night 's sleep. This can worsen your diabetes or increase your risk of developing diabetes.
There are many effective treatments for sleep apnea. These include changes in lifestyle , such as weight loss for mild and devices to open the airways are blocked cases for major cases.
Restless legs and obesity
At night , many people with diabetes feel discomfort in the legs that is coupled with the desire to move to relieve symptoms . This is known as restless legs .
Although obesity has been associated with an increased risk of restless legs, the nature of the association is unknown between the two.
People with restless relax and grab a bite to eat during the first part of the night, which seems to offer some relief to legs. These extra calories contribute to obesity is unknown.
Sleep causing obesity
It also seems to be an inverse relationship between sleep and obesity.
Not only can being overweight or obese reduces the quality of sleep, lack of sleep but for any reason can contribute to weight gain .
Scientific research suggests that lack of sleep can lead to hormonal changes that alter metabolism . How our body regulates the use and storage of fat can be compromised. Furthermore, sleep disorders can cause insulin resistance and increased risk of diabetes.
There is a clear relationship between sleep and overweight or obesity difficulty.
The most common terms associated with excess weight may be sleep apnea which has a variety of unpleasant consequences. There may also be an increased risk of disorders such as restless leg syndrome risk .
It also seems to be an inverse association between sleep disturbance and risk of obesity, especially when sleep deprivation occurs .
This complex relationship deserves your attention that the effects of sleep deprivation and obesity can affect your overall health and your diabetes worse. Losing weight will not only help you control your diabetes, but should also help get a good night's rest. diabetes

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